Francisella tularensis
Francisella tularensis
NAME: Francisella tularensis
SYNONYM OR CROSS REFERENCE: Pasteurella tularensis, tularemia, rabbit fever, deerfly fever, Ohara's disease, Francis disease
CHARACTERISTICS: Gram negative non motile coccobacillus, non-sporing, aerobic, requires cystine for growth, grows well on Legionella media (BCYE) and slowly on enriched (Columbia base) blood agar; two biovars, Jellison type A (highly virulent) and Jellison type b (mild disease)
PATHOGENICITY: Human tularemia presents as an indolent ulcer at site of infection, accompanied by swelling of the regional lymph nodes (ulceroglandular); sudden on set of pain and fever, fever generally lasts 3 - 6 weeks without treatment; inhalation may be followed by a pneumonic disease or primary systemic (typhoidal) picture; type B strains 5-15% fatality rate; type A strains approximately 35% mortality from pulmonary tularemia
EPIDEMIOLOGY: Throughout North America and continental Europe, Russia, China and Japan; all months of the year; higher in early winter during rabbit hunting season and summer when ticks and deerflies are abundant
HOST RANGE: Wild animals (rabbits) and birds; some domestic animals; humans
INFECTIOUS DOSE: 5 - 10 organisms by the respiratory route; 106 - 108 organisms by ingestion
MODE OF TRANSMISSION: Inoculation of skin, conjunctival sac or oropharyngeal mucosa with blood or tissue while handling infected animals, or by fluids from infected flies, ticks or other animals; bite of arthropods (deerfly, mosquito) and ticks; ingestion of contaminated food and drinking water; inhalation of contaminated dust; able to pass through unbroken skin; rarely through bites of animals
INCUBATION PERIOD: Related to virulence of infecting strain, size of inoculum (dose) and route of introduction; 1 - 14 days, usually 3- 5 days
COMMUNICABILITY: Not directly transmitted from person-to-person; unless treated, infectious agent may be found in blood during first 2 weeks of disease and in lesions for a month; flies infective for 14 days, and ticks throughout lifetime (2 years)
RESERVOIR: Over a hundred species of wild animals, especially rabbits, hares, muskrats, beavers and some domestic animals; various hard ticks; deerfly (Chrysops discalis), mosquito, and birds; rodent - mosquito cycle in Scandinavia and Russia
ZOONOSIS: Yes - handling infected rodents and other animals; bites from infected blood sucking arthropods; cat bites
VECTORS: Ticks, deerflies, fleas, mosquitos ( Russia)
DRUG SUSCEPTIBILITY: Susceptible to aminoglycosides, streptomycin, gentamycin, tobramycin and kanamycin (bactericidal) and tetracyclines, chloramphenicol (bacteriostatic); streptomycin for severe disease and tetracycline for less severe; gentamycin is drug of choice
DRUG RESISTANCE: Streptomycin resistance organisms have been described
SUSCEPTIBILITY TO DISINFECTANTS: Susceptible to many disinfectants - 1% sodium hypochlorite, 70% ethanol, glutaraldehyde, formaldehyde
PHYSICAL INACTIVATION: Susceptible to moist heat (121° C for at least 15 min) and dry heat (160-170° C for at least 1 hour)
SURVIVAL OUTSIDE HOST: Carcasses and organs - up to 133 days; grain dust; bedbugs - 136 days; rabbit meat - 31days; straw - 192 days; water - up to 90 days, infected rabbit meat stored frozen at -15° C has remained infective longer than 3 years
SURVEILLANCE: Monitor for symptoms; confirm by serological testing
FIRST AID/TREATMENT: Antibiotic therapy with streptomycin
IMMUNIZATION: Live attenuated vaccines available from CDC for occupational risk groups
PROPHYLAXIS: Treatment with antibiotic (tetracycline for 2 weeks is an effective prophylaxis when given after exposure)
LABORATORY-ACQUIRED INFECTIONS: Third most commonly reported; almost all cases involved tularemia research; few cases related to work with infected animals and their ectoparasites; 225 cases up to 1976 with 2 deaths
SOURCES/SPECIMENS: Lesion exudate, respiratory secretions, cerebrospinal fluid, blood, urine, tissues from infected animals and fluids from infected arthropods
PRIMARY HAZARDS: Direct contact of skin or mucous membranes with infectious materials, accidental parenteral inoculation, ingestion, and exposure to aerosols and infectious droplets
SPECIAL HAZARDS: Cultures have been more commonly associated with infection than clinical materials and infected animals
CONTAINMENT REQUIREMENTS: Biosafety level 2 practices and containment for activities with clinical materials; Biosafety level 3 practices, containment and facilities for all manipulations of cultures and for experimental animal studies
PROTECTIVE CLOTHING: Laboratory coat; impervious gloves when direct contact with infectious materials is unavoidable; gloves and gown (with tight wrists and tie in back), face masks for work with infectious materials in biosafety cabinet
OTHER PRECAUTIONS: Use impervious gloves when handling animals, especially rabbits
SPILLS: Allow aerosols to settle; wear protective clothing; gently cover spill with paper towels and apply 1% sodium hypochlorite, starting at perimeter and working towards the centre; allow sufficient contact time (30 min) before clean up
DISPOSAL: Decontamination before disposal; incineration of animal carcasses; steam sterilization of other laboratory waste
STORAGE: In sealed containers that are appropriately labelled
Date prepared: March, 2001
Prepared by: Office of Laboratory Security, PHAC
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