
Our Conferences are Canceled: Now What? Millennials in the Workplace

Millennials Workplace Video

"Millennials in the Workplace: Avoiding Stereotypes to Improve Safety" was a session that Glenn Trout, founder and strategic advisor, planned to present before COVID-19 caused our conferences to be canceled or postponed. As the VelocityEHS Senior Marketing Events Manager, I decided to summarize the key points of what he would have presented. Watch the video above.

In summary, Trout debunks some common stereotypes, including :

  • Stereotype 1 - Laziness
    • Fact - They are the most educated population and want to make a difference.
  • Stereotype 2 - Entitlement (they have helicopter parents)
    • Fact - They were most likely to live in single-parent households, therefore did not have helicopter parents
  • Stereotype 3 - Difficult to manage
    • Fact - They were more prepared than any other generation when they entered the workforce.

For advice on how to manage, train, and retain Millennials, watch the video.