Four Key Features of an Office Desk
If you work from home occasionally (or full-time), lucky you! No matter your work environment, be sure your desk has these must-have features to keep you comfortable and productive all day long.
- Correct height. The height of your desk should be set according to your elbow height. The typical desk height is 29.5", designed to fit a 6'1" male, which is too high for most people. To determine what’s right for you, sit in your chair, elbows at your sides, and adjust the chair height so that your feet are flat on the floor and your thighs parallel to the floor. Ask someone to measure the vertical distance from the floor to your elbows. This is your target desk height. If you can't find one in that height, or if you share a desk with others, a height adjustable desk is a must.
- No drawers in front. Avoid choosing a desk with one or more drawers in the front, underneath the work surface, to ensure adequate thigh clearance. Since many people have a small thigh-to-forearm clearance, make sure the work surface is less than two-inches thick.
- Rounded front edge. To avoid contact stress on your wrists and forearms while typing, make sure that the front edge of the desk is smooth and rounded. Avoid sharp edges!
- Extra credit: sit-stand. Many who work from home do not have the usual daily distractions that keep us moving at the office (walking to meetings or to ask a co-worker a question, or going out to lunch). Consider purchasing a sit-to-stand desk to discourage static sitting postures. Luckily, today's models are becoming more affordable and there are many to choose from! The more you can move throughout the day, the better your cardiovascular system!