
OSHA Publishes Guidance on Protecting Workers from Coronavirus and COVID-19


The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has published the following guidance document for employers on how to minimize the risk of exposure to coronavirus and prevent new cases of COVID-19 among workers. For a complete summary of OSHA's key guidance for employers, along with a variety of links to other helpful employer resources, Click Here.

Looking for answers on how to prepare and protect your workplace?

Register for tomorrow's live Q&A with Captain Joselito Ignacio, Chemical, Biological, Radiological/Nuclear Science Advisor with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)/Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Together with VelocityEHS’ Director of Industrial Hygiene, Dave Risi, they'll give you straightforward answers to your questions about coronavirus and COVID-19 to help make sure your workplace is focused on the right things. Space is limited, so register today!!

Click Here to Register for the Q&A

For more information about how VelocityEHS solutions can help you improve workplace safety and protect workers, Request a Demo or Contact Us at 1-866-919-7922.