Industrial Hygiene Case Study: Hear What IH Professionals Have to Say about VelocityEHS
We recently sat down with the team at HIH Laboratory, Inc. to discuss how integration with VelocityEHS IH Solutions has helped them dramatically improve the speed and quality of analytical services they’re able to provide for their more than 1,500 global corporate clients.
Click Here to Download the Case Study
VelocityEHS IH Lab Integration gives businesses and IH labs time-saving, easy-to-use IH software tools that are faster and easier to implement than any other IH software provider on the market. Not only do users get integrated regulatory content like our global chemical & OEL database, automated calculations and AIHA best-practices built right into the software straight out-of-the-box, but our solutions can have you up and running in just 4 days, and sometimes as little as a few hours!
Download our Lab Integration Case Study to learn how VelocityEHS IH Solutions can help your business simplify and automate a wide range of IH program tasks, and solve even your most complex IH challenges.
Ready to see for yourself how VelocityEHS can simplify IH for your business? Request a Demo or Contact Us today!