
22 Years at the Applied Ergonomics Conference

Humantech AEC booth

Next week’s virtual Applied Ergonomics Conference, scheduled on August 4th to 6th, will go down in the books as the most unique of the past 21 we’ve attended. Yep, the Humantech brand is that old! In fact, I dug deep into our files to remember when our partnership with IISE began—in 1998. It all started when ergonomist Walt Rostykus (now retired) presented the workshop, “Integrating Ergonomics Into Lean Manufacturing.”  Since then, we’ve grown, learned, and developed lasting relationships (both business and personal) with the association, exhibitors, clients, and Ergo Cup team participants. In a moment, I’ll share some of the experiences we’ve had.

But first, just because we can’t meet in person at our trade show booth (pictured right), doesn’t mean the show can’t go on. In fact, this year’s agenda is packed with live educational sessions and pre-recorded presentations you won’t want to miss.

Catch these sessions at the Applied Ergonomics Conference

$8 Million Payback in Three Years – How Lear Corporation Did That
Wed., August 5, 2:35 – 3:00 p.m. ET (Conducted Live)
Jack Nunes, Vice President of EHS, Lear Corporation

Manual Materials Handling Assessment Tools: Updates & Extensions
Pre-recorded and available for download
Blake McGowan Director of Ergonomics Research, VelocityEHS | Humantech

In addition, our board-certified ergonomists will be available at the virtual booth to answer questions and schedule demonstrations of Humantech® Industrial Ergonomics. We can show you how our sensorless, motion-capture technology assess jobs easily and accurately during these scheduled breaks (watch a sneak peek):

  • Tuesday, August 4, 3 to 3:30 p.m. (ET)
  • Wednesday, August 5, 3 to 3:30 p.m. (ET)
  • Thursday, August 6, 3 to 3:30 p.m. (ET)

Now, for my favorite moments of the last ten years:

Register today to join us next week at AEC.