
Prioritize Ergonomics During National Safety Month

Working from home Ergonomics

It’s National Safety Month, and today we’re spotlighting Ergonomics. Surprising health and safety statistics were revealed during the VelocityEHS virtual event: The Short Conference. Attendees were polled during the session “Restarting Work: Optimizing Human Performance” about the current state of its workplace injuries during and after COVID-19.

  • 89% of respondents reported their workers were experiencing the same to significantly more stress and muscular discomfort.
  • 95% said their workplace musculoskeletal disorders would either stay the same or increase.
  • 45% admitted that industrial ergonomics and reducing workplace MSDs was not part of its “Return to Work” playbook.

Visit our Humantech Blog to learn more about the conference and to access a recording of our session on Optimizing Human Performance. Once there, you can also download complimentary resources for improving home and workplace ergonomics, including our popular Work-from-Home Toolbox and our Restarting Work Toolbox.