
Download our Latest eBook: The 4 Keys to Managing Temporary Worker Safety

temporary worker safety

The labor market is changing. With the rise of the gig economy and an increasing number of businesses relying on temporary workers and contractors to fill personnel requirements and get the job done, the number of temporary workers in the labor force has never been higher.

The use of temporary workers and contractors offers a great deal of flexibility for businesses to meet shifting demand and adapt to market conditions, but we can’t forget that temporary workers also introduce unique challenges and requirements when it comes to maintaining workplace health and safety.

If you have questions about how to enhance the safety of temporary workers and contractors in your workplace, or if you’re confused about compliance with temporary worker protection standards like OSHA’s Joint Employer Rule, then our latest VelocityEHS eBook “The 4 Keys to Managing Temporary Worker Safety” is right for you.

Click here to download the eBook Now!

“The 4 Keys to Managing Temporary Worker Safety” covers essential temporary worker safety topics including:

  • Temporary worker statistics and key risk factors
  • Health and safety requirements for temporary workers
  • EHS best practices and technologies for enhancing temporary worker safety

Do You Have Temporary Workers in Your Workplace? VelocityEHS Can Help!

Whether it’s hazard communication, training, injury and illness recordkeeping, hazard studies and risk analysis, or virtually any aspect of workplace health and safety, VelocityEHS Solutions give you simple, powerful tools to manage your EHS programs with confidence, and keep ALL of your workers safe.

Visit our Solutions page or watch our short Video Demo to see for yourself how VelocityEHS can help you!