
Hidden Dangers of Disinfectants Highlighted at Upcoming Virtual Conference

Chemical Disinfecting

VelocityEHS will be addressing common challenges with managing chemical safety, including the use of cleaning products and disinfectants, during the session, “HazCom Management Tips for COVID-19 and Beyond” at our new virtual event, The Short Conference.

The full conference will take place from 9 AM – 2:30 PM EDT, and our HazCom session takes place from 1-1:30 PM EDT. Attendees may join specific sessions if they’re unable to attend the full schedule.

The ongoing global pandemic is creating an urgent need for disinfectant use. However, the increased scale of disinfectant use—coupled with the introduction of many new cleaning products into the workplace—has created new chemical management challenges, including the need to avoid mixing incompatible chemicals. Luckily, better use of HazCom information, such as Section 7 of an SDS, can help us more safely manage all chemicals in our inventory during this crisis and long after. In the upcoming session, we’ll discuss this, as well as other HazCom challenges relevant today, including:

  • Chemical management challenges during COVID-19
  • Hidden dangers behind new processes & products
  • Best practice tips for ensuring chemical safety

We know you’re busier than ever right now, so don’t worry—we’ve made it easy for you to attend as much or as little of The Short Conference as you’d like. With a single registration, you’ll be able to attend the sessions you want, leave when you need to, and come back anytime while the conference is in session. For specific sessions, there is even an opportunity to earn CEUs for ergonomics and industrial hygiene. Visit www.ehs.com/shortconference2020 to learn more and register.

We hope to “see” you there!

Let VelocityEHS Help!

Be sure to check out our VelocityEHS COVID-19 Resource Site featuring a growing library of helpful articles and free tools to help protect against COVID-19 and manage safety in both the home and workplace during this challenging time.

From all of us here at VelocityEHS, we wish you peace and safety during these difficult times. If you have any questions, please Contact Us at any time. We’re always here to help.