
VelocityEHS Showcases IH Software in Live Demo Webinar

IH Professional

VelocityEHS is excited to announce our November 7, 2019 webinar featuring a live demonstration of our industrial hygiene (IH) software. If you want to see how easy IH program management can be, this is a webinar you won’t want to miss!

Software Designed for the Changing World of IH Management

The need to anticipate and prevent workplace hazards is greater than ever, yet the number of certified industrial hygienists (CIHs) and investment in traditional IH programs have been in steady decline. VelocityEHS’ IH software is designed to meet this challenge by helping any company, whatever their level of expertise, to implement and maintain a top-tier workplace IH program.

VelocityEHS IH software lets you see, in one place and in real-time, the full scope of workplace health and safety risks across your entire enterprise. The software gives users flexible reporting tools — like dynamic risk matrices — to help determine where and when to deploy resources, and to demonstrate the value of IH when talking with management and other stakeholders. For companies struggling to establish an IH program or operating without a Certified Industrial Hygienist, it offers a best-practice framework for managing exposure risks and easily performing a wide range of IH tasks.

In short, whether you’re a veteran CIH or an EHS professional who has inherited an IH program in need of quick improvements, the VelocityEHS IH product is designed to help you succeed.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to see our software in action! Register today.

VelocityEHS IH Demo Webinar, November 7, 2019 @ 11:00 – 12:00 AM EST

While you’re there, don’t forget to check out our full library of  EHS webinars and watch them anywhere, anytime On-Demand!

Looking for more information about how VelocityEHS IH solution can help you? Check out our Industrial Hygiene solution page, or contact us today!