
VelocityEHS Helps Companies Understand Their EPA TRI Reporting Obligations Ahead of Annual Submission Deadline

VelocityEHS is reminding EHS professionals to submit their Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) reports to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by the July 1, 2018 deadline. This annual reporting requirement covers facilities with 10 or more employees in specific industries that manufacture, process or use regulated toxic chemicals in quantities above the agency’s threshold level in a given year. These reports help provide the EPA and the public with information about the toxic chemical releases, disposals or other waste management and pollution prevention activities taking place in communities across the country.

To help those responsible for preparing TRI reports understand their compliance obligations, VelocityEHS is hosting a live webinar that addresses many common questions and concerns. Held on June 7 and June 25, the webinar, “EPA Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Reporting: How to Ensure Compliance,” offers a comprehensive overview of the entire reporting process to help stay in compliance, including:

  • Understanding the main purpose of the EPA’s TRI reporting
  • Interpreting and applying EPCRA Section 313 and 322 as they relate to your organization
  • Assessing the key elements of completing a TRI report, including chemical use evaluation, threshold evaluation, qualifiers and exemptions, estimating releases, Form R vs. Form A applicability, submitting TRI, and revising/withdrawing/self-disclosure of TRI reports
  • Identifying the most common errors in completing Form R reports and Form A certification statements
  • Assessing TRI reporting changes that may apply to your organization
  • Recognizing potential enforcement actions for TRI noncompliance
  • Identifying and evaluating resources to assist you in preparing your TRI reports

Facilities subject to the TRI reporting requirement are required to use TRI-MEweb to submit their TRI reporting forms to the EPA by July 1, 2018. Visit www.epa.gov/toxics-release-inventory-tri-program for more information.

Let VelocityEHS | MSDSonline Help!

VelocityEHS, through its award-winning MSDSonline Chemical Management solutions, helps automate chemical management and regulatory reporting by identifying and flagging products as well as sub-component ingredients that are regulated on various state, federal and international hazardous substance lists. This not only helps ensure facilities are meeting critical reporting obligations, but also submitting required report data based on up-to-date chemical inventory information.