A new free content offer from the VelocityEHS MSDSonline chemical management solution provides a wallet card, available in two formats, which can help supplement OSHA-required HazCom training on GHS pictograms and the six required elements of a shipped label. One side of the card features all nine GHS pictograms and the hazards they represent. The reverse side features the six required elements of an OSHA-compliant HCS/GHS shipped label.
The printable, laminatable card is available for download as either a single card — ideal for individual use as a mobile-accessible PDF or printout — or as a page of nine cards for printing and sharing with employees.
The card helps reinforce the new GHS-aligned information workers should now be seeing on incoming shipped containers from manufacturers, distributors and importers, and also gives at-a-glance definitions of each GHS hazard pictograms. Keeping workers informed on HazCom information is more important than ever, not just for their own safety, but because it remains a clear focus of OSHA enforcement priorities. The Hazard Communication Standard has ranked high on OSHA’s list of most frequently cited standards for years, and has been climbing higher since long before GHS alignment. It has been the second-most frequently cited OSHA standard since 2012, and there is every reason to believe this will also be the case in 2016.
The new wallet card can be a fun and important tool for engaging employees on the topic of HazCom/GHS compliance, and will serve as a handy resource for anyone working with or around hazardous chemicals.
For more information or to download the card, click here.