
The Top 10 OSHA Violations of 2012


At the 2012 National Safety Council Congress and Expo, OSHA unveiled this year's top 10 violations. Presented live from the Expo floor, the top ten list was sponsored by Safety+Health magazine. Falling very much in line with the list from the last couple of years, familiar violations crowded the top spots.

The list was very similar to 2011, with a couple of violations switching places. Hazard Communication violations remained high on the list, moving up to #2. Fall Protection stayed number 1, with scaffolding "falling" to #3.

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Most Cited Violations of 2012

  1. Fall Protection (29 CFR 1926.501) - 7,250 violations
  2. Hazard Communication (29 CFR 1910.1200) - 4,696 violations (mainly due to lack of training, labeling fail, access to MSDSs and lacking correct MSDSs)
  3. Scaffolding (29 CFR 1926.451) - 3,814 violations (Big problem, people using scaffoldings as ladders and ladders as scaffolding, assuming one could work for the other.)
  4. Respiratory Protection (1910.134) - 2,371 violations
  5. Ladders (1926.1053) - 2,310 violations
  6. Machine Guarding - General Requirement (29 CFR 1910.212) - 2,097 violations
  7. Powered Industrial Trucks (29 CFR 1910.178) - 1,993 violations
  8. Electrical - Wiring Methods (29 CFR 1910.305) - 1,744 violations
  9. Control of Hazardous Energy - Lockout/Tagout (1910.147) - 1,572 violations
  10. Electrical - General (29 CFR 1910.303) - 1,332 violations


Most Cited Violations of 2011

  1. Fall Protection (29 CFR 1926.501) - 7,139 violations
  2. Scaffolding (29 CFR 1926.451) - 7,069 violations
  3. Hazard Communication (29 CFR 1910.1200) - 6,538 violations
  4. Respiratory Protection (1910.134) - 3,944 violations
  5. Control of Hazardous Energy - Lockout/Tagout (1910.147) - 3,639 violations
  6. Electrical - Wiring Methods (29 CFR 1910.305) - 3,584 violations
  7. Powered Industrial Trucks (29 CFR 1910.178) - 3,432 violations
  8. Ladders (1926.1053) - 3,244 violations
  9. Electrical - General (29 CFR 1910.303) - 2,863 violations
  10. Machine Guarding - General Requirement (29 CFR 1910.212) - 2,728 violations


Most Cited Violations of 2010

  1. Scaffolding
  2. Fall Protection
  3. Hazard Communication
  4. Respiratory Protection
  5. Ladders
  6. Control of Hazardous Energy - Lockout/Tagout
  7. Electrical - Wiring Methods
  8. Powered Industrial Trucks
  9. Electrical - General
  10. Machine Guarding